Bob Dylan 980711 in Escalarre, Spain
From: "Veronica" ( To: "Karlerik" ( Subject: RV: 24 hours for Bob:-)) Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 02:19:58 -0400 Does this guy realise just how dedicated we all are I wonder? 10 am Saturday morning, I set off for the nearest train station to pick up Núria, the girl I'd made contact with through spain@edlis to go to the Doctor Music Festival together. Isn't it amazing how Bob fans seem to have so much in common?? We knew we had a long journey ahead of us, L'Escalarre is a tiny village set right up in the heart of the Pyrenees mountains, just west of Andorra. This is the third year that the cows of the area have been moved to different fields for a week so that a three-day festival could take place. You think I 'm joking? The emblem of the festival is a cow :-)) After a five hour journey along very wiggly, narrow country roads with treacherously steep slopes we reached the festival site. Núria and I were only interested in seeing Bob, there were about 70 other groups, but we wanted Bob!!! We parked the car and then had to walk for about half an hour to get to the entrance of the festival in blazing sunlight. As soon as we got in we headed straight for the wash blocks and doused ourselves in water. Not in time however to stop my face and arms from getting very sunburnt. We are talking about probably 90 degrees and no shade!! It was now about 4:15 and Bob was due on at 6, so we headed straight for the place he was supposed to be performing, where there were already people starting to look hopeful. We joined them and soon after all Bob's team came on stage and started doing sound checks etc. The band came on to try out and tune their instruments and we were laughing and joking with them. This was a stage set up in the middle of a field, so there were no doors or anything!! I hadn't realised that Tony Garnier is bald on top, now I know why he wears a hat on stage! Bucky was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, a far cry from the leather trousers and snakeskin waistcoat he wore at the concert. We'll get to Bob's outfit later!!!!! The area behind us was filling up rapidly so we had obviously got there at just the right time. We were in about the 7th row of people standing, so very close to the stage :-)) Could see every expression on Bob's face throughout the entire concert :-))At 6:15 Bob and the band walked on stage and a familiar (??) voice said "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome....." Straight into Leopard-skin Pill-box hat. Wonderful, they were together from the very first note. Loud, rhythmic, magic :-)) Señor, Cold Irons Bound followed in the same style. Then into I'll be your baby tonight. (If only, Bob!!!) They did this in a true country style. Then Can't wait, in a sort of reggae version. Fun!! Then, (being the clever person that I am, and having studied recent set lists) I started calling out Silvio, Silvio... and guess what, he listened to me ;-)) What made me laugh was that NOBODY around even realised what he was playing was called Silvio!! Núria and I had a good laugh about it anyway!! The crowd were about 90% young kids who were obviously attending the whole festival and had decided to check out this Bob Dylan guy. They enjoyed the concert enormously, you could tell, but I don't think they knew one song from another. The other 10% were a mixture of press and people who looked as if they were only there for Bob!! Talking of press I was so close to the stage that I shot a whole roll of film of Bob on stage, I'm sure that at least a few will come out. If so, I'll scan them and send them to anyone who wants:-)) Silvio was absolutely fabulous, raunchy rock! Great for dancing to... yes, I'm one of those irritating people who can't keep still!!! Then we went into the acoustic set, starting with Cocaine, magic, he and Larry singing away! Talking of Larry, as I said we were very close to the stage and every time I thought Bob was looking my way - hard to really tell with those shades on - I started waving at him and sometimes even blowing kisses!!!! But I caught Larry's eye two or three times and grinned at him , and he grinned back.. or maybe he was laughing to himself thinking.. who on earth is that idiot with the sunburnt face!! Then onto Don't think twice, an excellent country version and the only song that Bob did harp with. WOW!!!!!!!And while he was playing harp he started sort of doing a little jig from side to side, so sweet!!! Next was Tangled up in blue, I listened carefully to the words and it was straight off BOTT. Then into Forever Young, may your wishes all come true.... (dream. dream!!!) His guitar playing in Forever Young was really excellent, everybody was applauding him and he was moving around the stage looking very pleased with himself :-)) That was the end of the acoustic set. He started the next set with Stuck inside of Mobile, which was, in my opinion just a shade too slow... I can't dance that slowly!! Then he introduced the band and they all went into I shall be released, and finally Highway 61. revisited. Incredible!!! Marvellous!! Pure rock, most people were dancing now! And Bob was doing little knee bends and kept looking at us to see what we thought of them , and the more we applauded and screamed the more he did, until he was really get into it :-)) What a guy!!!!! Then they all went off stage and of course came out for the encore Love Sick., not good for dancing!! Rainy Day Women, what a surprise ;-), very good version, and finally to send us away in a relaxed mood Blowin' in the wind. What a wonderful concert.. well worth the 5 hour journey there and 7 hour journey back, not counting the two occasions when we stopped to sleep in the car for 20 minutes which turned into 2 hours both times! Also well worth the nearly 100 dollars that the tickets cost us:-(( They only sell tickets for the full three days. Some would say I must be mad, I'd be inclined to agree with them.. but ....... it's life and life only ;-) For the girls... Bob's outfit... I've seen worse ;-) He was wearing cream trousers with a dark blue stripe down the sides, he does love those stripes! A cream shirt, looked like it might have been silk, no vest underneath. Quite a few buttons undone on the shirt........ ;-) A leather belt with a big, very elaborate silver buckle. The famous white shoes. And on top of it all, which really spoiled the whole outfit, a white jacket with split sides and two dark blue stripes up either side of the front zip, he wore it unzipped. He was clean shaven and his hair was quite short for him. Pretty yummy really!!!! I wonder what the Pyrenean cows thought of it all!! Veronica "May your wishes all come true" "Time is an ocean but it ends at the shore"